
This guide outlines the essential concepts that underpin Memopolis. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with these key ideas, as they form the foundation for all other documentation.


Organisations can create teams on the platform. Typically, content created by Teams of an organization is accessible from the organization’s main Map.


A group of Builders, working together on one or more Stories. If a Builder is in more than one Team, they can change the Team they are currently in via the menu.


Anyone who plays or builds Stories on the platform. There are different types of users depending on what they do.


Players are Users who play Stories created by others. Players are the only type of User who do not need an user account.


Any user who uses the built-in editing tools to create a Map, place an Object or write a Dialog.

Team Admin

A user with team admin privileges (can invite Builders).

Organization Admin

A user with organization admin rights (can create Teams and invite Builders).

Server Admin

A user with super permissions that can create and invite new Organizations.


Usually, a narrative game that tells a story. Stories consist of one or more Maps, each populated with one or more Objects.


A map is the place where Stories take place, for example a room in a house. Maps can be drawn very quickly using the tile-based map editor.

Map Objects

Objects are placed on Maps in order to populate them. There are different types of objects.

Content Object

Content objects can contain media (an image, video or audio file), text, or represent a web link that opens an external web page in a separate browser tab.

Character Object

A character that Players can talk to.

Portal Object

A portal is like a door that leads to another portal (on the same or a different Map).

Item Object

Items are objects that the Player can pick up. Dialogs can check if a Player has an item and can also give or take items away from a Player.

Background Object

These are images that can be used to customise or completely replace the tile-based Maps. Cannot be interacted with by Players.


A branching, non-linear, interactive dialog associated with a specific Character. Dialogs are created using the Dialog Editor.


Stories can have named variables that can be configured in Quest Settings and be changed and checked in Dialogs. They are typically used to track the progress of Players and allow Editors to create non-linear, interactive Stories.